Writing Contest
INK! Magazine: Short Story Contest
Submission Dates: April 2nd- May 1st
Students aged 14 to 18 living within the Gunnison Valley
Must be an original short story that has not been published elsewhere
No more than 4,000 words
Winner: Entire story published in the INK! Magazine
2nd-5th Place: Excerpts of story published in INK! Magazine
Everyone: An INK! T-shirt and story published on the INK! Website
Your short story can be no more than 4,000 words, double spaced, and must be typed in Times New Roman at 12 point font. You must have a title page with your name, the title of your story, and the word count on it. The following pages must have a header with the title of your short story only. You must be between the ages of 14 and 18 and must live within the boundaries of Gunnison County. Your submission must be original and not previously published. No Entry Fee is required. Placers 2-5 will have partially published stories in the INK! Magazine Spring Issue. The winner will will have their entire story published in the same magazine. All submitted stories will be published on our website.
By signing this you agree to abide by the terms and conditions of this contest.
Click Here For Sign-Up Sheet

How to enter:
-Submit photos to gwsd.ink@gmail.com
Must be submitted by April 30
-All entrants must be a high school student
-Upload images digitally
-Entrants cannot be a past winner
-You can submit up to three photos, but no more.
1st place photo will be featured on the cover of Ink! Top 5 photos will be featured throughout the magazine.